
The Pain Epidemic

Did you know that over 635 BILLION dollars is spent each year on pain relief?  That is more than heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined! Maybe you have been through chiropractic care, surgeries, or you are currently taking pain medication. Why are you still in...

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Food Allergies VS Food Sensitivities

Are you confused about the differences between food allergies and food sensitivities? You're not alone, these often get confused!     Food allergies are IgE mediated immune reactions that happen immediately upon eating a problematic food. These types of...

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Holistic Approach to Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and presents as memory loss along with one or more other types of cognitive impairment; such as communication, attention, self-monitoring, judgment, motor skills, and trouble performing daily activities....

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Lyme Disease – A Holistic Approach

Lyme disease was discovered in 1975 when a group of children in Old Lyme, Connecticut contracted mysterious symptoms that were very similar to arthritis. It is caused by B. burgdorferi, a bacteria carried by deer ticks and transmitted via the skin through a tick...

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The Health Benefits of Sauna Therapy

One of the many ways that you can take control of your health is by introducing consistent sauna therapy into your daily health regiment. Studies world-wide show that sauna therapy has many therapeutic benefits.  On the physical body, a short, healthy sweat helps to...

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The Health Benefits of Drinking Clean Water

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”  W.H. Auden   Water sustains life, and without it, we cannot survive.  Water transports critical substances into and out of our cells and provides a healthy environment for our bodies to thrive. There...

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