Ozone Therapy
Prolozone and Ozone Therapy are anti inflammatory treatments that decrease inflammation which then helps regenerate the joints with NO side effects. By taking the body’s own healing properties and concentrating them; this therapy is putting those healing properties back into that joint, or wherever the pain may be, helping the affected area feel like new again!
Each year, over 200,000 people die from infections and drug interactions from surgeries and medical treatment. Using ozone and prolozone therapy reduces the risks of major health complications.
How Can Ozone Help You?
What are the benefits of ozone?
If your immune system decides to attack your thyroid, when do you find out? Do you find out that day? No, you find out 10 years later when that organ has been destroyed. Again, when the alignment of your car is out, do you know that day? No, you find out 10,000
miles later when you look at your tire and it’s completely worn out. We find out when that organ is worn out because these infectious diseases live in the body. Dentists usually use ozone to sterilize their equipment. In the car industry, they actually use if to deodorize cars. So, it’s extremely powerful at killing microbes in the body but extremely safe and not killing the things that we want to keep.
Epstein Barr Virus, cytomegalo virus, herpes virus; ozone actually kills all these viruses. And if we can kill those pathogens, we can then regulate the immune system right. Because it’s the immune system that’s attacking the organ. So, in a nutshell, that’s how powerful ozone is and that’s why it can help reverse autoimmune disease and thyroid disease conditions.
Can ozone TREAT Leaky Gut, IBS, Crohn's Disease?
The second thing ozone does is actually tighten up and improves leaky gut. That means it tightens up those junctions in your gut so that pathogens cannot get into your blood stream and cause autoimmune conditions and inflammation.
The third thing ozone does, where, that relates to Crohn’s and IBS is it increases mitochondrial function of your cells because it is made out of oxygen. If your cells can make more energy, the tissue in your gut can repair at a faster level.
The fourth and last thing that is extremely powerful is; ozone kills microbes in your gut. One reason you have leaky guts, IBS, Crohn’s is because you have bad bacteria, yeast parasites, fungus in the gut lining damaging it. Ozone will actually kill those microbes so that the good probiotics and microbes can come in there replicate and take hold. So, extremely powerful in reversing and curing these conditions.
Can Ozone Increase Energy & Stop Aging?
The second thing is ozone actually kills infection in your body. Most of us are chronically fighting some kind of infection that we don’t know about, that drains your body energy literally drains it and causes your body to age. So, by killing infections and increasing energy literally drains it and causes your body to age. So, by killing infections and increasing energy production of your cells, you can stop the aging process by using ozone.
Can Diabetes be Treated with Ozone?
In type 2 diabetes, insulin sensitivity issues arise in your cells and because ozone is oxygen, it can actually get into your cells and increase ATP and energy production. If your cells make more energy, your cell membrane functions at a higher level. If your cell functions at a higher level, it’s not going to be as prone to insulin sensitivity issues.
So, again in type 2 diabetes, chronic inflammation comes from infection. So, ozone can help kill infection, reduce inflammation and increase insulin sensitivity issues.
HOW CAN OZONE IMPROVE Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis?
The second thing is extremely important if you have Rheumatoid arthritis. Because Rheumatoid arthritis is not from normal wear and tear. It’s actually your immune system inflaming and damaging the joint. In order to reverse this condition, we need to fix and modulate the immune system and ozone time and time again has been found to modulate and improve the effectiveness of your immune system. By injecting ozone in there, we can actually restart and modulate the immune system so, that your body does not attack the joint.