“Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating and often misunderstood condition. While there is no cure, there are many ways to manage CFS and improve your quality of life. Here are the warning signs to watch for if you think you may have CFS:

1. You feel exhausted after minimal effort.
2. You have a persistent and unexplained feeling of being tired or weak.
3. You have difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
4. You have a history of unexplained infections or other medical problems.
5. You have a family history of CFS or other chronic illnesses.
6. You have a history of working or exercising excessively.
7. You have a history of trauma or stress.
8. You have a history of sleep problems.
9. You have a history of unexplained muscle pain.
10. You have a history of unexplained headaches.”